Current Issue
Journal Title | Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel |
Initial | IJCSC |
Abbreviation | Indones. J. Com. Serv. Cel |
Frequency | 3 Issues per year (April, August and December) |
DOI | prefix by Crossref |
Print ISSN | 2829-5269 |
Editor-in-Chief | Ali Rahmat, Ph.D. |
Publisher | |
Citation Analysis | Dimensions |
Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel is an National journal under the Research and Social Study Institute in collaboration with PT Perorangan Mutimedia Jaya Abadi (Company) and the Cross-Country Lecturer Collaboration (KODELN) one of the scientific institutions in Indonesia located in Yogyakarta. The Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel publishes articles resulting from community service and empowerment in the form of the application of various fields of science including agriculture, social sciences, engineering, education, computers and health and other related fields. This journal is also expected to be a fast response, fast review and fast publication journal. And in the future can be indexed globally. Indonesian Journal of Community Services Cel has P-ISSN 2829-5269 and E-ISSN 2829-452.
Distribution: Open Access
Frequency: Published in April, August, December